Since moving into our new office three months ago we have been enjoying the extra space and building/buying furniture to store everything. The two spaces we had before this were rather small so every work area had about 4 different uses and often a whole bunch of clutter (my fault).
I arrived into the office on Tuesday after 4 days away in Adelaide to more mega shelves and a packing area that is now a-ok top notch. As I packed an order I had to stop and admire the set up thinking back to the not so long ago days when everything was cramped and the jobs took longer as you had to hunt things down.
If you have ever ordered from us online this is where your order gets made up. We grab an envelope and pop your order in with a little note, a post card and business card then use the red scales on the table to weigh it. We then stick some stamps on the envelope and pop it in the mailbox round the corner by 6pm and hope Australia Post do their magic.