Since we started Able and Game back in 2009 we have got to this time of the year and thought we should do a diary. Every year I thought it would happen, but then August rolls around and you hop on the slide I like to call wwwoooooah when did January come up so quick? and low and behold the diary never eventuated. These things also take time and those cat videos will not watch themselves but the last few weeks the cat videos were put on hold and we knuckled down and got to work, learnt a new program (hello Indesign!) and created something brand new.
The diary is now up on Etsy, it is a week to an opening and each page has some kind of drawing. Some are from cards, some are new and some are old ones that never made it onto cards. We have spiral bound it ourselves and it has a thick box board backing that makes a nice sturdy surface to write on if you're not at a table (this was an important factor in the design process).
We will have them at Rose Street Market and Finders Keepers and The North Melbourne Market this weekend, a busy weekend you might think, but we're cool because we wrote it in our diary*.

*technically it is in Google calendar, but see what I did there??