So we are well and truly shifted into our new office and are in the process of making it a nice place to work. We are probably a good week away from getting it just right but with a house move tomorrow (yes we are totally addicted to moving) things are taking a wee bit longer. Stress levels are a bit higher that usual, the desire to drink a whole lot stronger and home cooked meals a distant memory.
I've got a lovely new desk (thanks to Ocelynx for the lift to Ikea!) which I'm going to try and keep a little bit more tidy. I've got a few little pretty things on it already, including a terrarium I got from Rose Street which I managed to kill off a few months back. The people who made it said they would remoss it for me but after returning from Scotland over summer it had somehow come back to life. As you can see it is well and truly busting at the rim, I'm sure I'm meant to cut it back but I want to see how high it will grow. I'm hoping for at least a foot!