Just over a year ago we were on the Design Files as a guest blogger. I had great fun drawing five themes for our trials and triumphs of modern life and it is nice to look back on them a year later.
Do you ever dream about running off to an Island? Maybe you could stay here?
I wish I got these knitted socks a few months ago.
Have you been baking more just to turn the oven on and warm up the kitchen? After my mandarin cake experiment maybe it is time to switch to grapefruit?
We may be doing a 2013 swimsuit calendar (sneak peek in the picture above). This may have been a bit of inspiration.
I got this Ryan Gosling Tea Towel by Dear Colleen as a gift for a friend. I hope she likes it.
Rohan from the blog Whole Larder Love has a book coming out very soon.
This is a nice post about dating your partner. Gareth and I celebrated 10 years together a few months back so doing things like this is always important. Plus the food looks amazing.
Gareth and I watched this cat video the other night. Costa Rican cats look like FUN.